Page 11 - YB1940
P. 11
~----- ~i~.~ , X'''·-~,k.:.t' . -:?;;i.::~; -,,\ \::,. ~. \1;·.;~. \f,;·.... "" t.~. ,t. \ K· ;~~::~~. \i( cATioN t j\;:. ~'( ~~::. ~;~;. . of Western ~I~"a",l College bee .. so cOlllpletely ideUfUiell with the 7;\.•c.,~f...-,:.'..·~...:•.•· I~ alld future welfare of tJfij' iIlIlIlIllerable be exertetlltis gui,nr.g influence. ;.~:~': The worltUy wisdont accrued fr."~~JiSntallY years .It'·'' of invaluable eXl.erience ill IlIan~1:1~alks of life were :'r{:';" constantly at our disposal; he w~'~ever ready to lend ;;..:.. a guiding hall11 or to ;ulvise USj'~i.iyway we so tlesired. ~~~7;:.:: Dis llighty deve. ~~~'~;"Jnollsense servec) to :~-~".' ~.&l' steady litany of us 1.0 . .~:··'o'ursellolastie and in our...!~..:.> .~.~tH~~~ .' s.ocia. life.. 1.n.telli~s~~:. ,r~sight WiilS always one of t~~~.'· .:';>~:~"'t~S:t~~lJ.~f:'?~'!s,~:"~,~~~r~eter, ,and it was this I.llase of .~I;S:' '.;.....•.!'l'e:'i!~l(lill't)f;1t,a~'eoial.led lIlany of us properly to l.r'lP!t re , 'ou'rselves for entrance into the world of cO"I~.~,tioll. In recognition of the m.lny services lie Ilalji~l~idered the college an(l tile inspiring examlJle h~~J\~s' set for all, we respeetfully .1edieate tile l~i'~'io"a to IJr. Alvey ~I. IsanoglW •.": . .•~:~ff,'/":·'. !f~~'~\~:J'~!!~i~~:~;~:'1~~~Y'$~~-z.~/f'~'::I::~;':.~t?~~~:~.,::r.:·.'
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