Page 99 - YB1939
P. 99
Standing: Trader, Horan, Strow" Schaeffer, Bowen, Crosswhite. Sittin8: Beyard , Barker, Stokes, Frey. FIRST SEMESTER Charles Trader President Helen Frey Secretary Joshua Bowen Treasurer SECOND SEMESTER Catherine Barker President Kermit Beyard Secretary Leslie Stokes Treasurer The Chemist's Club during its second year of formal organization on the Hill continued in its endeavor to provide interesting and enlightening information on chemistry and its associated fields to all persons in the department. Actual membership, however, is limited to those students who have completed at least one year of college chemistry. Meetings are held bi-weekly, the programs being varied as much as possible. The members of the faculty in the department acted in an advisory capacity to the Club. One meeting was devoted to the demonstration and discussion of the semi- micro method of qualitative analysis which was inaugurated into the college curriculum this year. In conjunction with Professor Raver and the physics department, two movies entitled "Liquid Air" and "X-Rays" were presented at a meeting which was open to all interested students of the college. As a climax to a successful year, two of the students gave a demonstration of chemical magic which proved to be both interesting and enlightening. N inely-five
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