Page 105 - YB1939
P. 105
Oleair Hansen Edmond Dooley Walters Bryson Bender Mowbray Sherman Klare Burtis Barkdoll Beyard Galbreath Catington The Inter-Fraternity Council has continued the promotion of the high ideals for which the body was founded in 1932. Securance of amicable relations among the fraternities, development of leadership, recognition of high scholarship, pursuance of the aims of a liberal arts college are actively and successfully en- couraged. Intramural awards of athletic, scholarship, and sportsmanship cups, super- vision of rushing and pledging, sponsorship of the Pan-Hellenic dance, and other varied activities are concrete proofs of a progressive, highly active and able organization. Such an organization is made possible by the active support and hearty cooperation of the four fraternities on the Hill. FIRST SEMESTER Alexander Ransone President Robert Sherman Vice-President Hyde Dooley Secretary John Barkdoll Treasurer SECOND SEMESTER Alexander Ransone President Robert Sherman Vice-President William Klare Secrelary John Barkdoll Treasurer RANSONE One hundred one
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