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FIRST SEMESTER OfFICERS DOROTHY VINUP President SARAH ADKINS Vice-President VIRGINIA CALLOWAY Secretary SECOND SEMESTER OFFICERS ANNE President SARAH vtce-Preetdent DOROTHY VINUP ANNE BRINSFIELD ELLEN HANCOCK Secretary Presidents OTHER MEMBERS, THE presence of sororities upon the Western Maryland campus is the expression of an urge toward a greater social well-being among the women students. Through attendance at teas, rush parties, and banquets, sorority girls have found an excellent opportunity for the cementing of friendships. and the setting up of higher academic and social standards. In the spring, the Council sponsored the annual faculty tea in McDaniel Hall Lounge. This provided an oppor- tunity for closer social contacts between faculty and sorority members. The Pan-Hellenic Dance in May was sponsored jointly by the Inter-Soror-ity and the Inter-Fraternity Councils. The Council, in carrying out its aims in letter and in spirit, aided in creating the ideals neces- sary for successful communal living. ninety·three
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