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THE HOME ECONOMICS CLUB is composed of students majoring in Home Economics. Already an active participant in the Maryland State Home Economics Association and the College Group of the Maryland Home Economics Club Association, the Club this year elitlteted itself with the American Home Economic Association, a national organization. This marks the begin- ning of a new era in the history of the local club. The meetings during the year were centered about the various fields of work open to Home Economics graduates. Leaders in different branches of home economics work were invited to address the club from time to time. Considerable knowledge of the field in its entirety was gained by the audience attending. Suggested. vocations included those OFFICERS of dietitian, county demonstration agent, commercial demonstration, and nursery-school worker. All of these CHARLOTTE COPPAGE positions are within the scope of graduates in home eco- President nomics. REBECCA KEITH The club was successful in achieving its Vice-President which are to train young women to be active efficient MARl ANN A LEE LONG leaders in home and community lile: to furnish an oppor- Secretary tunity through organization for social and intellectual life; HELEN WILLIAMS Treasurer and to form a closer relationship among those in the Home Economics Deparbnent. The club owes much to its advisor, Miss Clara Cerrfson. for its successful year of activity. ninety
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