Page 44 - YB1938
P. 44
'Jlw 1938 _Aloha MARY KATHERINE EDWARDS TANEYTOWN, MD. Well-balanced, hours on magazines rather than Morrison. . enjoys French literature. is enthusiastic over her 1Irt gels results from both circumspect in speech and manner. always perfectly groomed and smiling CHARLES RAYMOND EHRHARDT BALTIMORE, MD. Demosthenescometolile! skillful on ROBERT ADKINS ELDERDICE JOHN ROSCOE ELLIOTT, JR. SALISBURY, MD. "Toasted cheese! tcesled ham! chocolate LAUREL, DEL. milk and candy!" .. "the ideal athlete" at Salisbury Teachers active in various fields et W. M.. . habitue of the library. ditto the reception rooms . with 11 ready "hello" lor everyone, "Bob" has welded together 11 wide circle of Iriends. ELIZABETH BYERS ERE WESTMINSTER, MD HERBERT K1RK FALLIN Extensive literary acquaintance .. clarity LINTHICUM HEIGHTS, MD. of vision, and a wholesome perspective on life deltberete speech and Henrietta. the most persistent Mae's Back In couple on the campus at home in 11 laboratory at ease in the lounge and et his besl in the dining hall plays strange musical instruments, ocarina being masculine clothes .. camp counsellor . the strangest authority in the used-car field pre-med student forly
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