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J/w f938__Aloha JAMES FRANCIS COLEMAN FEDERALSBURG, MD. Exponent 01 purposeful well- rounded personality persistent e:dra-curricular worker combines a serious attitude with the kncwledqe of when and how to enjoy himself achieves satisfactory results in scholarship ... diver- sified interests. a greeting for everyone black coffee at midnight. JULIA ANGELA CONNELL CUMBERLAND, MD opimon vivacious midst of fun and frolic in Baltimore WILLARD CONRAD CHARLOTTE BARLING COOK CUMBERLAND, MD. BALTIMORE, MD. cream of the education courses pre- sides over the inner sanctum of Mclzamel ALLEN LAMAR COOPER MARY VIRGlNIA COOPER MERIDIAN, MISS. ABERDEEN, MD. So very much the musician in aspect, and else in the deep aHection which he holds for the works 01 the masters . an epprecletton and understanding of liters. ture which wtll eptly fit him lor a life in the the deep South, he thirty-six
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