Page 84 - YB1937
P. 84
.' II E S II "I ,'N C I~ASS A st~~~ a: i ::t~'~;~c;~:~O~t:o~~:~:;e~:~~~~a;~~n~:'<:o~u=:~s~;?~'w:e~~~~~l::k:~~~~ the opportunity to fulfill our ambitions, entered the portals of Western Maryland College. Of the. many events during our first year and of the many to come, Freshman Week will be one of the: most cherished in our memories. For five glorious days we were the rulers on the Hill. Midst In- relligence tests, lectures, and receptions, we had our first sample of college life. The end of our reign came with the return of the sophomore class, but the traditional hazing failed to discourage our youthful ambitions. We tossed away the paddles. marched on, and set about making ourselves useful. We have participated wholeheartedly in every activity open to freshmen. and we dare our illustrious elders to deny that we have shown our merit in these activities. With the true Western Maryland spirit ofsponsmanship and cooperation. our men and women won distinction in athletics. both on varsity teams and in intra-mural competition. Music. art, journalism. and dramatics have provided for us interests which we hope will strengthen individual and class relationships which will help us to make the most of our life here and to obtain a richer educational experience- which will give us better opportunities (0 reach that goal which is uppermost in the mind of every true Western Marylander. the rapid spread of our Alma Mater's glory. Scholastically, we determined not to be outdone. and dissected our earth, worms so skillfully that even the sophomores condescended to recognize our capacities. As we look back. we realize that we have achieved little in comparison to the task that lies before us. We are faced with the realization that as her loyal sons and daughters. we must do our share in making a better Western Maryland. This is a challenge which we face with courage and hope. To the Class of '37: "Farewell May our college ties never be broken." To the sophomores who introduced us to our first college difficulties; "O/mrce, my cn;lJ,~n,and ye Ihall ~naul Tirol mi,hly oa~l from acorn! grow." VERONICA KOMPANEK 80
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