Page 83 - YB1937
P. 83
May 28,1936. In spite of the cold weather. everybody agreed that the LAntern Chain must go 00. And on it went- down into Hoffa Field where there were songs and tears. Our Sophomore Year Odokr 2,1936. In June we were the "rats"; now we are the: "cats". That's the difference between a freshman and a sophomore. It's grand to see everybody again and talk over the events of the summer. There are some who didn't come back. and we miss them. Odoher 5, 1936. Hazing days are here again. One fair coed was carrying her books in a wastepaper basket this morning, and another learned how to make beds under the keen eyes of two sophomores. , The ,fresh. man boys seem 10 be taking a lively interest in agriculture these days they were praying for rain lOO1ght- and they gOt what they wanted, Odokr 31, 1936. The party is over and all is well. We sophomores are satisfied with our first efforts toward crganiza- ncn, and the freshmen are relieved to know that the day of trial has passed. Fehruary 15, 1937. The class is certainly well represented in sports this year. Four.fifths of the basket-ball squad is ours, and a considerable portion of the football and tennis teams. April 12, 1937. "Where are the gay young sophomores?" Since the holidays we have lost our youth and gayety And have become as staid as the "grand old seniors who are gomg OUt into the Wide. Wide world". It's the thought of comprehensive exams that is pulling us down. We feel confident of only one thing that we don't know much. May 20. /937. Time races onl In a few weeks we'll say geed-bye to the Hill- to all the good times we've had as underclassmen. the knocks we've taken. and the people we've learned to love T we years wil! lie behind two before. We are thankful for the. two ahead. 79
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