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nET.\ nET.\ II E T .\ ETA Beta Beta, national honorary biological fraternity, was organ- B ized in 1922 to promote active interest in the field of biolOSY and to reward scholastic superiority in the classroom. Alpha Mu chapter was organized on the Hill in 1932 and is one of thirty-five chapters chartered in the United States and in China. On Friday afternoons, the appearance of a shining copper kettle and tea cups mark the beginning of another memorable session of PAUL RITCHIE cake munching and scientific discourse. This year, discussion centered P,uiJ.,,1 about the study of chemical and physical reactions in plants and animals. For the monthly meetings, the chapter was fortunate in securing such speakers as Dr. Eduasird Uhlenhuth, an authority on the thyroid glands. from the University of Maryland: Dr. C. H. Kable, a vetinary specialist: and Dr. Julian Corrington. an expert on microscopes. Initiations of new members were held in October at Dr. Bertholf's house and in February. when Professor Bennighof entertained the chapter. This year. for the first time, the local chapter was host to another chapter, that of American Uni- versity. At this time. Miss Cornelia Cotton. a member of the faculty of American University. presented a discussion on "Brucellosis". a comparatively new subject. The chapter is looking forward to increased fraternal relationships with near-by crganizaticns. This spring. the Western Maryland chapter sent a substantial representation to Hood College. Frederick. where the annual state biology conference was held. The delegates heard reports on the advancement of biological research during the past year and enjoyed the special lectures presented. The activities of the year were terminated by the annual outing at Cascade Lake. where Miss Wyman entertained the group. Swimming. boating. a picnic supper. and hilarious games brought to a close another year of serious. but sociable. activity. fin! R...,,- P Rllchie S BAIdr:rson D Herodnck$Ol\ L """"'0 L.Ounen J Coller H W,lhanu S PrICe K Adnance H McCatdr:1I Su~"'n"" H Boughu:1O J. Connell E. Shank L NICOl., A AndreW'- P Wyman M Sharrn E"'~ TJ.I,II,o_ Leo.. L Benninghof A Kline B Bertholf III
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