Page 136 - YB1937
P. 136
T r\'" K" I' I' A "I. I.'.. r\ WESTERN Maryland College is proud of the establishment on the campus of the honorary debating and public speaking fraternity Tau Kappa Alpha, one of the oldest and largest of the honer- ary fraternities in this country. The chapter of the fraternity at Western Maryland College was granted a charter late in the spring of \935. The charter was presented sxu, Y PRICE to the college by Dr. Herbert Wing, chairman of the Pennsylvania P,ul!/cr./ council, at a banquet for the debaters and a number of guests of honor. Dr. Alben Norman Ward. late president of the college, made the speech of acceptance. The banquet was followed by initiation ceremonies under the direction of Dr. Wing at which thirteen students and (W() faculty members were made charter members of the newly formed chapter. After the lengthy and varied debating season of 1936·37. the fraternity again closed the scholastic year with a banquet and initiation under the direction of President Sally Price. The banquet and initiation were held on the evening of May 14 in the private dining room of Carroll Inn Those members and prospective members present were Dr. George S. Wills, Professor John D. MakOSKy. Sally Price. John Warman, Herman Williams. Bernelce Robbins. Ethel King, Ethel Lauter- bach. Fred Tyrrell. George Needham. Alfred Goldberg. Frank Malone. Charles Ehrhardt, Paul Nelson. Eleanor Taylor. and Joseph Oleair. Mrs. George S. Wills, Miss Jean MacDowell, and isabelle Me· Williams also attended. After dinner. Eleanor Taylor. Frank Malone. and Charles Ehrhardt were informally and formally mitiated. After the initiation. the officers for next year were elected. Alfred Goldberg was elected president: Joseph Oleeir, vice-president: Eleanor Taylor. secretary- treasurer. The cut-going officers were Sally Price, president; John Warman. vice-president: Ethel King. sec- retary-treasurer. Sla"JI", G_ Needha.m H Wllhams J.Mr.kQlky F Tyrrell A Goldbera SII/I", B RobbiN P Nelson S Prll:lI- C EhrNt.rdt E Kma Il2
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