Page 59 - YB1936
P. 59
RODMAN MULVEHILL HAYNES GAMMA BETA CHI, T"awru. 4; Offi'm' C/u6; R. O. T. C First Lieutenant. Company "C"; Boxing. f. 2. 3. ~.. Tennt., 1,2,3. 4, Captain, 4; F"Inman Bas~.t"all. "Hinky" and his "Wildcats" famousf6r his dry wit and homespun epic poetry trator of feuds always ready to indulge in or give advice upon (ennis, football, boxing, checkers, chess. Or cards. MARGARET JANE HERWICK PHI ALPHA MU. Alumni Sur~tar.~, lntu- Sorority Cound/, 4; Aloha Ar' Siaff, 3, Editor, 4; CollegePlayus. 3. 4; Sunday School, I, 2; Y. W. C. A., t, 2, 3, 4; IV. A. A.I, 2. 3 when - a personality that stands out . equaJly popular ,a "tricky little number" 'Peggy' more friends are to be had Peggy will have them in the dormitory, on the dance floor, or behind the an artist without the temperament footlights 53
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