Page 55 - YB1936
P. 55
RALPH JOSEPH GRAHAM GAMMA BETA CHI, Trea,urer. 3, Presidont ~; Aloha. As~i.l/anl Busi/less Manager; Sludon/ COO.,n. Cluh; R. O. T. C. Fir~l Lieutenan/ Foothall. I. Z. 3. .f; Illlra·Mural i . Pudge" . has an enviable affinity for rriends and fun a "plugger" in the classroom. in his fraternity and on the gridiron perpetrates a joke or takes erie on himself with equal spirit refuses to be rankled by the everyday cares of life ELINORE HARRIETT GRIER BET A BET A BET A; I. c. C; l10me EcollDmics Cluh. f. Z. 3, .f; Shakespeare Club. 3: Phifo.Brown_· "flg I; Y. W. C. A .. I. Z. 3. 4; SumJoy S<~ool.~. "Elinore' quiet . efficient . industrious noted for her ability to"construct" waffles. likes rosew likes to joke has a "jump" of three momhs vacation on the rest of "5. 49
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