Page 31 - YB1936
P. 31
•• Class of 1936: You are going out into a changing world. For you. co-operation, not competition, will FRED GARRIGUS HOLLOWAY, A.B" B.D .. 0,0. speak real success; the resulting P'.JiJ."t fellowships an? loyalities in business and in life wdl bring you endUring WI LLiAM ROBERTS M<;DANIEL. A.M .• SeD pleasure. Your happiness depends Vice,Pre,idonl and Trwsuru largely upon your ability and will. ingness to work with and for others. SAMUEL BIGGS SCHOFIELD. A.M. D."n ofth. ColI.t. Dean, S,~ool A.M.lsanogle of Ed"calion ALVEY MICHAEL 15ANOGLE. A.M .• Ed.D. Dum oJtb. SchtJ%j EduCtllion LAWRENCE CALVIN LITTLE. A.M .. D.D. Dean oj lb. School of R.ligi(Ju, £duca/ion LLOYD MILLARD BERTHOLF. A.M .. Ph.D Dean of Fre.hmon CARL LAWYER SCHAEFFER. A.B.. B.S.E. A"i.lanl T,oo,u,,,, &rr.lary 10 lh. Focully ANNA HOUCK ISANOGLE Regi./ror FREDERICK MARTIN MILLER. A.M l t is a pleasure to add my word of farewell and goodw,shes to the Class Dean oj Men of 1936. I think of you sometimes as FANNIE MAY STOVER, A.M. a class. but more often as individuals in who have made contributions Dean of Women honors work, in societies and clubs. in BERTHA SHEPPARD ADKINS, A.B. dramatics. forensics. music, religion, and athletics. My life is richer for AJ.lisianlDMnoj Women having known you. lind I am deeply grateful THELMA RIGLER SHREINER. A.M. Lloyd M. Bertholf Dean of Freshmen LOUISE BATES FISHER. A.B. THEOPHILUS KENOLEY HARRISON. A.B. RALPH MYERS Superintendent of B"i/dillg$ alld Cro'Jlld~ •• Class of 1936: Before the young people of your generation lies the opportunity to take part creatively in one of the mostsignil1cant periods in human history. Western Maryland expects every member of your class to make a constructive contribution to the building ofa better world. You will not fail usl May God speed you in your effortsI lawrence little Dean of Ihe School of Religious Educa!lon
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