Page 103 - YB1936
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taught the first principles of close order drill. The sophomores attempted to display what they had learned last year. The upper-classmen. burdened with added responsibilities endeavored to acclimate themselves to their new positions. As soon as the freshmen had been given sufficient instruc. tion, the battalion was formed on Hoffa Field. Commands were given by the new officers. rifles were shouldered. the band formed outside for the first time, and a parade was held. Rifles wobbled, feet stumbled. lines wavered. Mistakes were common -mistakes that could be eliminated only by much drill "In the gym, today?" That was a frequently asked ques- tion as soon as evidences of winter appeared. For Hoffa Field is no place to drill when the thermometer starts to dive. Friendly competition. created by company ratings for drill precedence. stimulated each drill period. So did the green and gold honor bars presented to the freshmen and sophomores whose records were above the average in class work and drill. Inter-company basketball-won this year by Company "Au-added interest to the indoor activities. Then came the spring. The effects of long months of work could be seen. The men were more familiar with their duties, the battalion functioned with greater co-ordination, and a parade such as that described previously was possible. With spring also came increased activities for the battalion. The social and military functions of the unit were so numerous and occurred so frequently that it was hard to keep up with them The annual Military Ball was no sooner over than preparation began for spring inspection and presentation of sponsors. Then followed the competitive drill among the companies for the silver cup. The annual Military Track Meet concluded the activities for the year WILLIAM BRATTON Balla/ion Commander ELIZABETH WOLFORD Spomor CHARLES DANEKER So,ol1d·in.Command
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