Page 102 - YB1936
P. 102
BATTALION STAFF WILLIAM W. BRATTON Liwl"n~nl_Colonol Battalion Commander CHARLES R. DANEKER Major Second-in-Command CHARLES E. READ Caplain Adjutant MAURICE W. ROBERTS Firsl Li~"/enanl Assistant Adjutant HE Adjutant's Call a battalion snaps to attention T march! . hundreds of feet "step off" in the cadence of march music down Hoffa Field up the other side squads left! into battalion front halt! . guides post! parade rest! the band "sounds off" officers. front and center! post! squads right, march! the band leads the "colors" and guidons wave in ~he breeze sabres Aash feet beat a muffled, rhythmic cadence on the soft turf .. column of platoons. leading platoon, squads left! platoon after platoon swings into line and passes before the reviewing officers with line straight and eyes right the battalion at Western Maryland is "on parade." The ability to execute a parade with precision was not acquired over night. nor in a ':'leek. That parade was the culmination of a year of work-work which began even before regular classes were scheduled. Freshmen were given a physical examination. Both freshmen and sophomores were outfitted. Rifles were issued. Juniors were given their new uniforms and the seniors their Sam Browns. breeches, "putts," and sabers. Then classes began. During October the freshmen were
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