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WITH a quiet charm that irresistibly draws friends, "Mil's" personality has made an indelible impression upon us all, and has convinced us of the truth of the old adage, "Still waters run deep". Beta Beta Beta 3, Vice-President 4; Class Vice-President 4; ALOHA, Sports Editor; Y. W. C. A. 1, Z, 3, 4; Philo-Browning Literary Society 1, Z, 3, 4; Choir 3, 4; Varsity Debating Team 3; Norment Speech Contestant Z; W. A. A. 1, Z, 3; ]. G. c., Honcrable Mention Z, 3. MILDRED FAY BURKINS B B B Biology, English, High School Sciences CASTLETON, MARYLAND Belair High School • ARTHUR J. DOWNEY ~IIA Chemistry, Mathematics, High School Sciences ROCK HALL, MARYLAND Delta Pi Alpha, Sergeant-at-Arms 4; Gold Bug, Assistant Crculation Manager 1, Z, 3; Y. M. C. A. I, 3; Irving-Web- ster Literary Society 3; Boxing 1, Z; La- crosse, Assistant Manager I; First Lieu- tenant Company A, R. O. T. C. QUIETL Y and sincerely "Jim" pursues his worthy and diversified interests with true scien- tific objectivity. Seeking no praise for himself, working steadily toward the answers to the ques- tions which his curious :nind keeps constantly be- fore him, he continuously crystalizes into worthy opinions the results of his studies. PAG E 50
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