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TERSE to the point of abruptness, absorbed in music and sports, to the laity appearing very quiet anJ reserved, "Ben" has left among those who know him best, admiration for his sage advice, clever repartee, and true loyalty. Pi Alpha Alpha 1, 2, 3, Master-of-Cere- monies 4; Gold Bug, Sports Ediror 2; Websrer Literary Society 1, Intra-Mural Sports 3, 4; Intra-Mural Athletic Rep- resentative 2, 3, 4; Football 1. ~.. Box- ing 2; Lacrosse 1, 2. BEN] AM IN OMAR BOYD IIAA History, English BALTIMORE, MARYLAND McDonogh School • MARGARET AMBER YOCUM WW Chemistry, Mathematics BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Western High School W. W. Sunshine Messenger 2, Secretary 3, President 4, Inter-Club Council 3, Vice-President 4; Class Vice-President 2, 3; ALOHA, Write-up Editor 4; Gold Bug, Reporter 2, 3; Y. W. C. A. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sunday School 3, 4; Philo-Browning Lit- erary Society 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 1, 4; Inter- national Relations Club, Secretary-Treas- urer 4; Class Athletics 1, 2, 3, 4; "M" Girl; Honorary Varsity Hockey 4; Var- sity Basketball; Sponsor The Band 4; May Court 1, 2, 3, 4. "YOCIE'S" versatility has won for her many positions in college, which she has proved very capable of filling, as she is equally outstanding as a leader, :1:1 a.hlere, or a May Court Duchess. Her frank opinions accompanied by her smile have attracted her many friends, and we regard PAGE her as a "real pal". 49
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