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AlOIHIA ll-Parade. Soccer. Frosh gridmen lose as "Transmission" tackles Wade. McNally plays the part of the mechanicalrabbit for the Greyhounds as we win, 54-0. 12-We wonder who the fifteen co-eds are who went looking for a football game yesterday. 13-The education department asks the name of the text-book and the author on its tests now. We often heard that there was that kind. 14-Snow. We wonder if the fireman has gotten back from Canada. 15-Mass·meeting-ON TO' BOSTON! 16--"Y ou can do your best, boys, we'll do the rest, boys," and the co-edssend the team off dreaming dreams. 17-Suspense! 18--We lose-12-9. 20-Mid-semester grades, "And, oh what a weeping and wailing-" 21Taking of ALOHA group pictures postponed for the third consecutivetime. At least the officerswill break in their boots getting them on and off. 22- The pictures are finally taken. 25-First dance of the year postponed by the "Delrs." Soccer team loses to the Uni· versity of Maryland, 2-0. 29-Gotta go to classes-tomorrow is Thanksgiving. 3Q--Mince pie was flat (?), otherwisea nice dinner. DECEMBER 1-Gotta go to classes-yesterday was Thanksgiving. 4-Dr. Ward gives his impressionof Mae West in I'm No Angel. 5-Practice teaching starts-tough on some kids. Basketball, Georgetown wins, 33-9. 8--Hopkins Military Ball draws most of the crowd, but the Armory still gets its quota. lo--Ghristmas pageant held in Alumni Hall. 12-French Club play. 13-The "Y's" give their annual Christmas program. 14-Sunday School party. 15-In whichwe take inventoryof last night's carousals-oh, yeah, we go home tomorrow. Christmas tradition upheld by the SENIORS although the ice set some of them back on their haunches. Junior breakfast for SENIORS. 16--YE'RE HOME. JANUARY 2-Are broken. We come back. 3-Winter sports season gets under way. 6--Basketball-Navy wins, 41-21. 7-More snow. 8--Bopst wins skiing crown.. 9-Basketball-C. U. wins, 41-23.Well, we're getting better. 1Q--Now they have to sign up for honors. We imagine the registrar will be busy-for a few minutes. 12-We win one from Bucknell, 34-26. 13-Speech Recital. St. Thomas 56, W. M. 21. 15-C. W. A. workers construct picnic grounds with lights-ought to save batteries! 16--Basketball. We beat Washington, 29-18. 19-Conferences with Dr. Ward-the Great Experiment-Open Dances. 2o.:-Same as 16th-score, 23-18-"now we are going. Md. fights W. Md., 5·3. PAGE ~~9
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