Page 188 - YB1934
P. 188
AlOIHIA First Row-Left to right-Leister, Wyand, Downey, Sliker, Captain Fleming, Williams, c., Shilling, Moore, c., Stone (Manager). Second Row-Elseroad, Wink, Eveland. Zimmerman, Sergeant Lavin (Coach) ,Hubbard, Humphries, Shipley, R. P., Corbin. RIFLE TEAM The R. O. T. C. Rifle team of 1933-34 had a very successful year. Nineteen men com- posed the team, but only ten showed marked ability as shots. The team was captained by M. C. Fleming, who led his team with the highest score of all the candidates. M. A. Leister, F. A. Srevenson, P. R. Shipley, S. E. Corbin, and R. E. Sliker were very consistent shots through- out the year and their records were of a high calibre. During the season the intercollegiate matches averaged eight collleges weekly. In the National Rifle Association matches Western Maryland fired in competition against Georgetown, V. M. 1., V. P. 1., Navy, University of Maryland, George Washington, and Johns Hopkins. -As yet the results of these matches have not been tabulated. A team comprised of Capt. Fleming, Sliker, Leister, Stevenson, and Shipley fired in the Hearst Trophy Competition and turned in the excellent score of 945. This score compared favorably with th~tof the winning Hearst Teophy team in 1932-1933 which chalked up a score of 94.8.~From a comparison .of the 1:Woscores it appeared that Westem Maryland had a fine chance of being in the winning column when the results were tabulated in May. The second team, which also fired in this Hearst Trophy match, was composed of Moore, Eveland, Corbin, Downey, and Randle. PAG E 1~4
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