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CHARLES RUSSELL HERBST II A A Malh.mal!cJ-Biology-Chem;sl,y Lutherville,Maryland Towson HighSchool PI Alpha Alpha. Prosid.,,1 ~; Inler_Frolunify Coun"l. T"asuru~; C/a" S.crelary 2; Clau President 3. 4; ·'Aloha." junior Edilar 3: Basin ... Managu 4; Gold Bug Ropor/or 1.2. New. Editor 3. A.. tstant ManaginG Ed/lor 4; Caplaln Company "A". R. O. T. c.. Officer. CI"b4; Rifle 2.3,~;, Li'orary Soddy. Dohal. I. Rcporlu 2; Normenl Speech Canl •• lanl /; CurriwJ"m.Revijion Commlll.e 3; Bo;xl"R 3; Manag., of Socc", 4; Hono,ohlo M."Uon 1. 'Russ" came to collegecombining lho5e lWOrequisites for a successful college career-a real interest in study and precocious ability for leadership in exrra_curricular activi- ties. He has ably proved that both can be done without detriment to either. Wherher expounding a chemical formula in the laboratory or commanding Company "A" on the field, the calmness. confidence. and suavity. which have placed "Russ" among the "Western Marylanders never to be forgotten" manifests itself. He has also been hi~hly successful in that his constant devotion to yet a thLrd cause has finally given him the inside track. and what's more. it looks as though he'll keep it
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