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HELEN TROY HAMBSCH WW Biology-High SchoGIScien'e' Baltimore. Maryland Forest Park High School w_ W Alumnz Su,elary 3; Busines. Manager News- Letter 4: Inlo"Club Council~; Gold Bug Sporls Edilor 3.4; Y. W. C. A.; Publidly Chairman 2, 3; Philoma/h"on Li/uary Sodety 2, 3; Le Cerci. Franca;, I. 2; Tri Bela 3. ~; j. G. C,; w_ A. A. I, 2. 3. 4; Swdary 3; Head of Basko/ball ~; Varslly Baske/ball 2. 3, 4; Class A/h1c/i,~ I. 2. 3. 4; "M" Girl; Honorary VarM/y Hockey Team 4; HonorabieM.,,/iotlI. From "Hamy" to "Troy" in a few leaps; from the sporting serious Freshman to the blase, poised Senior-such is the brief collegehistory of our woman of the dual personality But her dignity of seniority is nor impregnable. At times she is still the "Hamy" of former years with just that delightful touch of the indifferent. No matter what her mood. she's out for everything that's going on. Her diversified abilities label her as most interesting and entertaining. A bit of art work. a Cold Bug article. a game of hockey or basketball. a social obligation. all are accom- plished with the same willingness and efficiency, FiJly-EiBht
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