Page 134 - YB1933
P. 134
College Sunday School College Sunday School Carl L. Schaeffer. Superintendent Teachers Dr. Ward Prof. Schaeffer Dr. Little Miss Paschal T~;n~~~~~~O~~~S:1 o~h~:~re:~~s;~~~ ~~.fe~~~~leS~~~eff;;is:s ptahs:h:~P:;~ conducting training classes for those students who would like to teach in Sunday Schools. Professor Schaeffer teaches a class using the International Lessons. In March Dr. Ward asked if he might be given a class. The first Sunday this class had forty-nine people present. The membership at the present time is one hundred and thirty-three. The class was named for William G. Baker. the donor of the Chapel. Dr. Ward intends to teach the Gospel of St. Mark. and to allot a certain amount of time for a discussion of the vital questions of the day. The class adopted "Finding God on the College Campus" as a slogan. This class, after reaching the number of one hundred members. entertained the entire Sunday School and the Deans of the college. The Sunday School is a growing organization; the students are interested, and, with the president of the college and three members of the faculty backing it. it will progress. 0"0 Hu"d"d Thiriy_Two
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