Page 132 - YB1933
P. 132
Philo-Browning literary Society Dorothy M. Pau]___. ._ _ Presidenl Mary E. Parks .....Vice-Presidenl Marguerite Ringler ... ..Secretary-Treasurer T~~e~~~~'o~~~~o~~~~:~~n~~sh:~;:s~o:1:;;~~~~~a::erewi~::~~e'i:e~:~ nee ted with the college memories of many of our alumnae may continue. The Society hopes in this way to keep alive a connection that will be deeply appreciated by any visiting alumna. Although there will be no attempt to use either of the Society rooms in the Administration Building, the Philo-Browning Literary Society hopes to create a definite atmosphere of its own, one of live interest in current literature, art, and music, together with a growing appreciation of the older classics The Society is open to all women students of the college. Phiio-Brouming Literarg Society On. Hu"dr.JTMrly
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