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April 6-Back to "The Hill." Girls are wearing new bonnets. 7-Spring football and study hall are inaugurated. Io-Curtis Institute again displays talent on "The Hill." I I-Sunday School Party. George takes his boys to Navy. i a-c-Co.eds get first chance to display their new clothes. I6-Sophomores brave the comprehensive ex,)minations. I7-Commander Coby gives a lecture in Alumni Hall. IS-Attention! The Military Ball proves to be the uest dance of rhe year. 24-Philo debates with Browning. May I-French plays given on campus. Isidore was a scream. s-Bestmusical recital of the year is given. 7-May Day with all its beauty. A dance to end a perfect day. g-Lacrosse with Mr. Washington, and the Varsity Drag. Is-Norment Speech Contests show great talent among the underclassmen. 16-Interfraternity Tea-Dance given by W. w. Club. 23-Lacrosse gains in popularity as shown at the game with Washington College. '24-Senior Farewell, Ivy Planting, and Lantern Chain. '25-Exams start and the Seniors are on their last lap. "l9-Exams are over and June Week begins. Senior Speech students give play to start activities. Jo-Reunions of all kinds. Literary Society Contests take usual place on June Week program. JI-The Baccalaureate Sermon and the Sacred Concert are the chief events of the day. Ir won't be long. June I-The Sixtieth Commencement. The Class of I9JI receive their sheepskins. The June Ball! Then- ALOHA! 1931~ pflgellVo!t1wdred'lilleleen
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