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/r,ALOHA ~ , !, february ~rI-Boxing Team returns from Army. \Ve lost. ~1 5-Western Maryland College conquers C. C. N. Y. boxers at the Armory. l 6-Speech students present plays in Smith Hall. 7-First Tea-Dance given to help pay (or the new radio. 8-Welcome back to "The Hill," Jake. g--Capt. Holmes' car has a real self-starter. lo--Royer's raided. Tables for men only from now on. q-Dan Cupid has his Aing. Boxers tie Penn State here. Is-Baker Chapel lasts two hours. 16-Philo serves refreshments. Big crowd. l8-Basketball game with Hopkins. Enough said. 'l[-"Y. W," holds dance. Boxers defeat V. P. I. 'l4-Virgil comes to life in a real lecture by Dr. Magoffin. 25-Te1ephone calls to Baltimore increase. Why? 27-The Junior Prom! First big dance on "The Hill." March 4-The Seniors hold a birthday party. J. G. C. again. 5-J. G. C. antics disturb the serious thoughts of the men. 6-Second Speech Recital equals the first. S-The Jesters have started to practice. What noise! IO-R. O. T. C. sponsors selected. IJ-Interfraternity Ball big success in spite of Friday. 14-Boxers reach heights by tying Navy. I ~- The l nrra.sqund Boxing Meet. Lots of humor. 21-Intercollegiates. Terrors take second place and two championships. 2J-May Day elections are held. The Jesters start on their annual tour of the Eastern "Sho·." 24-Teachers' Recital. Misses Mann and Jones were great. 27-Home again for the spring recess. See you April 6. page two hllndred eighteen ~1931
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