Page 174 - YB1931
P. 174
ALOHA ~ FRE~HMAN FOOTBALL SQUAD freshman football SCHEDULE W.M. Opp. October '9 October 18 ,8 6 October 25.. Bucknell University Frosh. 48 November I... Navy Plebes 6 November 8 .__.._...Georgetown University Frosh .. 1930 Freshman Football Team enjoyed fair success considering the ifficult schedule that confronted it. Although winning only two of the five games played it showed marked ability and would have undoubtedly won more if the schedule had not called for games with teams with . 19 ability. The greatest achievement of the" Bahy Terrors" was the g---6defeat it administered to the Navy Plebes. From the quality of the football played it is evident that the ream should furnish several capable men to the varsity next year. page one hundred seventy ~1931
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