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P. 171
Loyola College was met the next week at the same place. Once again the Green Terrors showed their class by downing the opposition 40-7. Loyola's touch, down coming nfter the Western Maryland varsity had retired. The next game was played at Washington, D. c., with the All Marine Team. I n this game the wonderful physical condition of the Terror squad brought victory, after battling on even terms for three-'luarters, Harlow's men pushed over three touchdowns in the final 'luarter to win by a 20-0 score. The following Saturday found the \Vestminster outfit at Cleveland, Ohio, with John Carroll University as the opposing eleven. The Terrors emerged again with a 27-0 victory. Mt. St. Mary's was met the following week at Westminster. This was "Home Coming Day" and the boys from Emmitsburg had to be Content with the shorr end 1931~ page one h'll.ndred sixty-sexen
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