Page 256 - YB1930
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15-Co-eds debate with Ursinus College team. Navy beats Terror Boxers 4-3. 17-Men's Vnrsir y debate with Westminster College. IS-Benefit boxing match for "Greasy." Everybody out. 19--Smell of iodoform in McDaniel Hall; a good reason why. ao-e-Severnl Junior girls appear in unusual costumes. "ll-Finalmysteries of J. G. C. revealed. "l4-Srudents get further information about the Anti-Saloon League. 'l5-College players present "The Cherry Orchard." "l7-Tnterfraternitydance. 'lS-Everybody ready for a good vacation. April 7-Student~ return to "The Hill." Evidence of spring shopping displayed. S-Contest to see who can tell the biggest yarn about vacation. g--Seniors are formally iuveared with the academic cap and gown. r a-r-Browning-Philo. debate in Smith Hall. IS-Le Cercle Francais present plays in Alumni Hall. ao-e-Annual Easter parade of spring finery. ar-c-Essays and orations for society contest submitted. 'lJ-Annual Military Ball with 'l5-1v1anyinteresting the sophomore comprehensive exams. 'l6-Y. W. C. A. Bazaar. May 14-May Queen crowned with much pomp and ceremony. Supper on the lawn. at-c-Senior Farewell, Freshman Lantern Chain, Sophomore Ivy Planting. 23-Norlllenr Speech Contest. 26-Examsstart. jc-+College Players give "As You Like It'' in an outdoor setting. JI-Literary society reunions. Senior tea dance. lnter-sociery contest. June r=-Bnccalaurente sermon in Alumni Hall. Sacred Concert iii the evening. 2-Seniors receive the coveted sheepskins at the annual Commencemenr exercises. Alumni Dinner in the new diningroom. AI.OHA! page two
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