Page 255 - YB1930
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6-Mr. Baumgart, famous astronomer, gives lecture in Alumni Hall," An Evening with the Stars." 7-Alumni Banquet at Lord Baltimore Hotel, the fiftieth anniversary of Dr. McDaniel's graduation. 8-lt's the faculty that's sleepy this rime=such late hours! II-Western Maryland College basketball team almost won a victory from Mt. St. Mary's. Ia-c-Wanderiug poet visits dining-room. 14-More Junior plays to entertain the college. IS-Big Valentine party in l\'IcOaniel Hall Parlor. "A good time was had by all." Phi Alpha Mu rush part)'. I6-We actunlly had chicken for dinner in the dining room. 17- There are many co-ed interclass basketball games. rg-c-Practice teaching goes on. 19-Terror boxers score over West Virginia U. co=Senior speech class goes to to see Shaw's" Apple Cart." 2 I-The third Senior speech recital. aa-c-Eve-ybody celebrates George's birthday by doing nothing in 23-Studems (and faculty) gleefully watch chicken being served the dining room 24-Co-eds play thrilling basketball game with Fredericksburg State Teachers' College. 2s-Many of the professors away to the N. E. A. W. W. gave a rush party. 26-Nothing to speak of. 27-Terrors ulrnosr take basketball game from Georgetown. 28-Just the last day of February. A general exodus from "The Hill." March I-Terrors defeat Penn boxers. 2-Another Sunday and another Sunday night chapel. 3-0eans of college give a tea in College 1nn for members of the faculty. 4-Meeting of the Poets' Club. s-Dr. Ward tells of his conference with President Hoover. "Sit down, Mr. President." 6-Dr. Neil Gordon, Hopkins professor, delivers lecture to the Science Club. He believes in method courses for Ph.D.'s. 7-Final Senior speech Boxing march with Georgetown. Dance at night. Now the co-eds come back to college at midnight after the dances downtown! 8-Sever:d Senior girls help with the girls' winter carnival in Baltimore. ro-cl r won't be long now until spring vacation. j I-W. W. Club has get-together at Bonnie's. 12-W. C. T. U. woman speaks in chapel. Meeting of Shakespeare Club. 13-Music recital in Smith Hall. 14-PreliminaryOrawricalcontest. page two 1l1mdredfifty
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