Page 260 - YB1929_Classical
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23-Inter-collegiate boxing fi~als. Sunday School party. 24-So warm that one of the girls claims she got sunburned! 25-Philomathean election. 27-Lacrosse game with St. John's. W. W. Club entertains other social clubs at tea. 29-April 8-Spring vacation. "Fill in the blanks" to suit yourself. April 9-Phi Alpha Mu rush party. 10-Senior investiture. ll-French, Home Economic and Poets' clubs foiled for the second time in attempt to get their pictures taken. Rain at the psychological moment. 12-Mr. Frank Mellor gives concert in Alumni Hall. We manage to assemble in chapel so quietly that we have to look twice to make sure we are there. Dr. Ward congratulates us. 13-Lacrosse game with Mt. Washington. Browning victorious in annual debate with Philo. Inter-fraternity dance. 14-Senior girls exercise privilege of attending any church they choose. 15- The end of a solid week of rain, and going as strong as ever! 16-Sophomore Comprehensive Examinations start. Election of May Queen and attendants. Still raining. 17-Still raining. Sophomores appear distraught. "Jesters" enliven historic Opera House with very good performance. 19-French, Home Economic and Shakespeare clubs finally succeed in getting their pictures taken. College draws breath of relief. 20-Lacrosse game with Baltimore U.-we win 5-3. Big Mardi Gras festival in Y. W. room. 22-Someone cops the Dean's bell in the dining room and performs nobly with it. 23-J. G. C. dinner. 24-Mr. Hutchins, "the bird man," speaks in Alumni Hall. We lick Navy at base- ball 8-1! 25-Music recital, Smith Hall. 26-Public school music contest in Alumni Hall. 27-We win lacrosse game from Lafayette, 4-1. Social in McDaniel Hall parlor. 29- Tennis team takes even break on southern trip-played Bridgewater and Roanoke Colleges. 30- Tennis match with G-burg. page two hundred fifty-four
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