Page 255 - YB1929_Classical
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November I-Dean Miller choses unfamiliar hymn in chapel. Remarkable results. 2-Soccer game at Towson. Recital by students of music in Smith Hall. 3- Terrors trounce Loyola to tune of 69-0. 6-Great excitement over coming election. 7-Everyone looks sleepy from sitting up to hear returns. Hoover-ites say, "I told you so." Parade down town. 8-Phi Alpha Mu breakfast hike. Science club meeting. 10-We win from Mount St. Mary's zt-o. Frosh put on good show between halves. Mobs of Alumni return for Home-coming. Black and White banquet and dance. ll-R. O. T. C. battalion takes part in big Armistice Day Parade. Professor Ranck speaks in Baker Chapel. l3-Knights of Pythias stage parade down town. Senior co-eds lose to Sophs at field ball. l4--Soccer game with West Point. Shakespeare club meeting. 15-Seniors mourn professor Isanogle's departure for North Carolina. 17-Terrors hold Gettysburg to tie of 19-19 in most exciting game of season. Fresh- man team wins 19-0. Big crowd and plenty of pep. 19-Everything and everybody blown about by wind and rain storm. 22-Mr. Bone speaks in assembly on "College Problems." 24--We win from Saint Francis 18-0. W. W. initiation. 25-First snow storm of season. Dr. Ward glorifies "youth." 26-Sensation caused in chapel when announced that Professor Ranck will not meet his classes. 27-Last pep meeting of year. Seniors hold proper ceremonies. 28- Team leaves for Muhlenberg. Everyone getting set for tomorrow. 29-Thanksgiving Dinner fulfills fondest hopes. Muhlenburg bows to Terrors 59-0. College Players and Powder Puffs entertain at Alumni Hall. Class of '28 holds reunion. 30--Team eats in main dining room for first time. Alpha Gamma Tau dance. page two hundred forty-nine
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