Page 144 - YB1929_Classical
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Labor." Mrs. Higgins had taken "Piney's" place. She was working the Edu- cation Department overtime. Dorothy Roberts, Roberta Rowe and Eleanor Noble were all doing Y.W. work. My! they had accomplished so much-especially Dorothy-Many a lamb did she lead to the fold! John Hughes was mayor of Kensington-He had as his political bosses Mrs. Rice and "Admiral" Simms-both lawyers of note. Helen Wheeler had gone into business manufacturing talking time pieces but it seems that this was a failure so she had returned to her hobby of raising pet roaches. Ellen Shank was a manufacturer too-She was commercializing a per- fume made from H.S. She worked out this formula while a pupil under Dean Schofield. Hovermill was managing a school for girls. He got his technique from Floyd Shockley, I believe, tho' I don't remember what Floyd was doing. Paul Howard was a plain" big butter and egg man "-and his chief assistant was Roy Robertson-Roy had money. He got it acting as a judge for beauty contests. Little "Gladie" Miles was happy-very happy. She was chief assistant in a bakery shop. (You know how it is!) Al Brady and Pau line Fisher had opened a "hog dawg " stand-They were doing thriving business. And "Kate" Gilbert and "Kappy" Doyle were both hostesses at exclusive night clubs. Francis Hamblin had turned out to be a great artist after the manner of John Held, Jr. Her most important model was "Casey" McLane tho' "Elise" Hobbs ran a close second. "Shorty" Long was a ftap-jacker. I can see him so plainly-He wore a white apron, a white coat and a white hat. "Charlie" Holland and "Charlie" Rensch were call boys at the Ritz. They were always such" early birds "-first ones to get out! page one hundred thirty-eight
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