Page 140 - YB1929_Classical
P. 140
HISTORY OF THE CLASS OF '29 the Senior year of the Class of '29 draws to a close, we look back with pardonable pride upon our four year sojourn on the Hill. Truly we can say that the years have generously yielded education and happiness. But it has not been entirely a game of receiving; the class has rendered honor to its Alma Mater in many ways. The Class of '29 has been from its very infancy the center of new and progressive experiments and ideas. Upon its arrival on the campus, it was immediately made the subject of a new experiment, Freshman Week. The co-eds were the first in the history of the college to suffer under" Rat Rules." At the end of the Freshman year these same co-eds established a new tradi- tion, the Lantern Chain ceremony for bidding farewell to the Senior class. Carrying lighted lanterns and singing original songs under the moon, they introduced a custom which will be followed by their successors for years. The Sophomore year gives evidence of the growing ingenuity of the Class of '29. Like all the preceding Sophomore classes, the '29-ers gave a Hallowe'en party; but unlike any of the preceding celebrations, this one was a masque. In the same year the class undertook the publication of the Student-Faculty Directory. As June drew nigh, the class took the first comprehensive examina- tions given on the Hill. At the end of the year, the class introduced another new tradition by planting a young evergreen tree on the campus in honor of the departing Seniors. The Freshman and Sophomore years were also highly successful ath- letically speaking. Both the men's and women's teams won the class basket- ball championship for the two years. The men of the class also won the annual Freshman-Sophomore clash for both years. page one hundred thirty-four
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