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WILLIAM EDWIN WARFIELD "Ed" ArT Chemistry DAMASCUS, MARYLAND Damascus High School Irving Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Science Club; Varsity Club; Officers' Club, Treasurer; Captain, R. O. T. C.; Gold Bug Staff 1, 2, 8, 4; College Choir 2, 3, 4; Jesters 1, 2, 3, 4; Boxing Squad 2; Manager Football 4; Business Manager 1929 ALOHA. HEERFULNESS and happiness strike the two chief notes in "Ed's" personality. He claims that both are due to the fact that at the end of his Sophomore year he slipped quietly away and got married; and that he has been happy ever since. Judging by the number of week-end trips he makes that statement is certainly true. "Ed's" abilities run along various lines. He has shown excellent histrionic talent, travelling with the Jesters for four years. And when he wasn't acting or singing he was "tootin' a mean sax" in the Green and Gold Parrots. Young in appearance" Ed" has carried the burden of a man upon his shoulders. Standing well in his studies he has yet found time to hold many positions of trust in the various activities of the student body. page one hundred twenty-two
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