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MARY AUGUSTA WALZL Mary Mathematics and English BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Western High School Shakespeare Club; Science Club; Girls' Glee Club; Philomathean Literary Society; Gold Bug Reporter 2, 3, Associate Editor 4; Poets' Club; Y. W. C. A.; J. G. C. HO is sophisticated in thought and manner-enjoying English "first editions" smuggled into America? Who is competent-knowing how things should be done and being annoyed at another's lack of perception? Who is the student who has" pages and pages of German and math to do," but who somehow is always doing other things and getting away with both? Who is the "kid" whose ex- pression and rumpled hair remind you of a little boy who has just been into mischief? Who? Just the person who always says and believes that you should "never bother to explain yourself," and whose enigmatic personality we love for not bothering about superfluous explanations. page one hundred twenty-one
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