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MARION NORRIS "Dick" History BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Irving Literary Society; Y. M. C. A.; Science Club; Officers Club; First Lieutenant, R. O. T. C.; Varsity Club; Student Council 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Lacrosse 2, 4; Boxing 3, 4, Captain 3, 4. ERE is another member of the Senior Class who will be missed along more lines than one next year. He has contributed his share towards making Western Maryland stand out athletically, parti- cularly so in the ring. There his speed, cleverness, and aggressiveness gave him many victories. It is highly probable that a broken thumb kept" Dick" from an Inter-Collegiate Championship in his Senior year. Although the lightest man on the football squad he could always be relied upon in an emergency. If "Dick" decides to enter the business world he should be a rousing success. The training in perseverance he received from athletics and his natural intelligence and common sense will undoubtedly carry him to the top. In any event he can rest assured that the best wishes of the entire student body are back of him. page one hundred
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