Page 104 - YB1929_Classical
P. 104
"Nick" History and English BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Western Maryland Preparatory School Irving Literary Society; Y. M. C. A. "~QICK" is one of those industrious fellows who spends his vacation periods weilding his carpenter tools. And is he handy with them? His room is a marvel for mechanical contraptions conducive to greater ease and comfort. " Nick" has probably spent more time on "The Hill" than any other student. He grad uated from Western Maryland Prep and then started on his journey through the college. It is needless to say that those who have associated with him have found him to be at all times a conscientious, Christian gentle- man. It is such men that build character, in others as well as in themselves. "Nick" is now looking forward to a field of service in the ministry, where his personality and leader- ship are bound to produce success. We wish him the reward his efforts are sure to bring him. page ninety-eight
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