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History of the C~"ss of lL928 I have characterized co"operarion, and diligence are three on of the traits began which in NITIATIVE. the Class of '28. improvements OUf Hill of initiating crusade the were our girls carry Sophomore year. Rules The for girls. of '28 Similar the first to introduce and Freshman out rules have been adminis- tered by each new Sophomore class. During the same year the college ring was standardized through the co-operative efforts of the Faculty, of the Freshman Class. and of our class. The first Faculty-Student Directory was compiled and published by us in 1925. Since then the Sophomores have con- tinued to publish these useful little books. The victory which OUf freshman football team won over the "sophs" was significant in that it was the first time in six years that a Sophomore team had bowed in defeat Our ream, playing in the sea of mud which is characteristic of the "Post Season Classic." made the only touchdown of the game During the same year the men's basketball team won second place in the class rou ma- When the Class of '28 departs. the girls' varsity basketball squad will lose four of its best players, and the R. O. T. C. Rifle Team will be deprived of two expert marksmen. In tournaments of field ball. volley ball. and basket- ball. our girls fought spiritedly, but unfortunately did not carry off the laurels many times. Many members of the Class of '28 are especially noted for their literary, oratorical, and dramatic ability. We were well represented on all of the inter- collegiate and inter-society debating teams of both men and women. Four members of the class were on the first Women's Inter-collegiate Debating Team which was organized this year Paul Lambertson, our able orator. was West- ern Maryland's winning representative in ,the State Inter-collegiate Oratorical Contest in '28. During our four years on the Hill an unusually large number of our classmates worked on the "Gold Bug" Staff and contributed to the ad- vancement of that publication, Dororhy Gilligan was the first president of the
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