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History of the Class of '30 N September 14, 1926, the Class of '30 appeared on the "Hill" with an O enrollment of one hundred and fifty-two. Everyone was pleased ,with college because of the cordial welcome that the faculty and Christian Associations extended to each. Practically, we were the Seniors upon the "Hill" for five days when the Sopha returned and turned us into "rats" Of course, the boys knew just what to expect because the razzing of the boys has become a tradition. But the present Sophomores did much to establish the tradition of "Freshman rules" among the girls. They had been experimented with the year before and knew just how to administer them this year. The Freshman co-eds retaliated when they decidedly won the interclass volley ball tournament. The beys also showed their athletic ability, by the football and basketball teams they turned out. They were not always victor-ious, but it was evident that there was plenty of good material for development. The Class of '30 contributed ten men to the varsity football squad The present Freshman class has proven to be a versatile class in extra' curricular activities. Besides participating in all the college athletics, it has given to the school a varsity intercollegiate debater. The class was also repre- sented on the Philomathean Literary Society debating team by one of its promising co-eds When the "Jester" season came freshmen were scattered through every phase of its entertainment. Several members proved their ability as musicians and dramatists. "Jete" Gornaac distinguished himself as the artist of renown upon the "Hill" And throughout the entire year he has used his talent to promote the interests of all the dubs and fraternities that have called upon him. The Class of '30 met before Spring vacation to organize and elect officers "Pete" Gomsac, President; Frances Raughley, Vice' President; Virginia Merrill, Secretary; Alex O'Leair, Treasurer; and Elizabeth Clough, Historian, chosen. The class has profited much by the higher scholastic authorities have required it to attain. We wish to extend our to those who have helped to make our Freshman year a success future years on the "Hill" we will do all we can to carry out the Better Western Maryland"
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