Page 121 - YB1927
P. 121
1 Ten Years Hence! O NCE upon a time, there Now this class was really most unusual, College known Maryland was a class at Western and "every' as the class of '27. body" wondered what "those children" would amount to when they got out in the world. And, to let out a little secret, sometimes the members of '27 wondered about the same thing. And then, as the movie titles say, the dawn of ten years hence flamed in the sky. The class of '27 looked about and found itself and each other. And everybody oh-ed and ah-ed and pretended to have prophesied the outcome all the time . Take the business world. There was George Benner rising like a jack-in-the- box in finance, and making such astounding successes that he was compelled to erect for himself a huge office building to provide room for his subordinates Of course, Joe Umbarger, the famous architect, planned the structure, and that accounts for the fact that the building is so artistic it resembles a museum. There was also Speicher, who became such a prosperous banker that he bought his Rolls Royce cars by the dozen. Spoerlein made his fortune posing for Arrow Collar ads. Only a spacious suite of rooms in Benner's office building could ever be magnificent enough for the Grant Williams, famous real estate magnate. I te~~~~1dnc~~~I;~e~let~o;~~lgof~;.t~1 :i~~it~:~~~y /;~e;~:~r~~:, r:~~~~Il~n~~i~~ Pickett, working with her. Hilda's views concerning business may be found in "The Ladies' Home journal" for March, 1937, in an article by the clever journalist, Miss Joy Reinmuth. Fran Bratt became the head of the buying depart- ment in the largest in New York, and was fast climbing higher, when she gee married and her business career. But she merely transferred her success and lived ever after. Gladys Bean, Ginny Hunter, and John Wooden made their success in Washington, where in the service of the govern' ment, they gained recognition in official circles. -27 had some star athletes in College days and it was only natural that these physical culture enthusiasts should make their mark in the athletic world. Ginna Wilson's mark was in the shape of a basketball. As the coach of many of Bryn Mawr's invincible sixes, her sure-goal technique won her much fame. Sirs mark, of course, was in football. Yale will never cease lauding. the curly haired bashful coach who produced the greatest football team in Yale history Cap. Weigle returned to W. M. C. and coached the Green Terrors to their usual victories. Tur Rosenstock also came back to her Alma Mater, and carried on Miss Millard's work successfully. Tozzi became a famous wrestling expert, and put the mat of W. M. C. on the map. Norene Everhart became a very capable kindergarten teacher, and won the love of all her tiny scholars. "T. c." Cross went into training to become a ~lurse, but she gave up this career when she married one of the handsome young mternes. The muses were especially kind artistically inclined members of '27. Mannie Curling ascended in the world until she found the forbidding portals of the Metropolitan Opera open before her. Herb Nichols THE. eL,QH!) 19Z7 ~~ 0
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