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[ History of the Class of 1927 I N 19'23, the portals of Western Maryland opened to the class of 1927, We and a transitory can~e unheralded in the midst of activity yet found ourselves for with the coming of the class of '27, the standards period, were to be raised. In our initial movements we showed a willingness of the college to co-operate with the college in this endeavor. It was in this early stage of om history that we developed a class spirit which was to become a distinctive character of '27. Early in our Freshman year, the juniors c-c sister class of '27-introduced us to the social life of-the college by a Freshman Frisk 011 the old athletic field. This event did much to atone for the treatment we received at the hands of the "Sophs" Even they. were forced to take notice when our girls won the class basketball championship, and six of our boys secured berths on the varsity squad We returned the following year full of fervent enthusiasm - we were the sophisticated Sophomores. Members of our class were to be found in every line of collegiate activity. Our first venture was a Hallowe'en party Which will be remembered by all of us, for it was acclaimed the successful party ever staged in the experience of those present. It is true our boys defeated by six points on the gridiron, but any onlooker from sidelines of that muddy battle will vouch a moral victory was due to the losing team. Success awaited the feminine Basketeers for again they won all the Inter-Class basketball games The Junior ye;).r found sixty-four of the faithful at their post. Our exploits were crowned with success during this year. The men won the Baseball championship at the close of the season. Frank Sillin for the third time held the position of Fullback on the All-Maryland Team. The Oo-eds were also well represented in Athletics. Of the seven Junior girls who went out for Varsity, six found places on the team. In matters of government, scholarship, and extra- curricular activities, the capability of the Juniors was tried, and they were not found wanting. The events of our year are worth noting. The debating teams are well organized, equipped manage.d. Carroll Royer, one of our number, was chosen orator to the Inter-Collegiate Oratorical Contest. The College Players have given notable performances of a higher type, which has done much to ~~rsthye;',;h:e;~~~d n~~~ ~~i~~le~~\~;edel~~:s ~~;le:l:ri,a~~~i~~h:t~ff~ld ~h~g'6i~~S~ Varsity Basketball Team will lose five members who have given "their all" to make the team the best in the state. All this means that ยท27 is making the most of its opportunities clear to the end, and unconsciously these '27-ers have assumed the leadership in the various phases of college life The s?cial spirit of this class o~ '27 is distinctive f?f the class has always been a congenial one. Parties, and picnics have been times for fun and laughter, page 01l~ hundred fifteen THEtlLQH919i1.7 ________ _L~ ~ ? -__~
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