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LLEV,lELLYN PAINE OTTO o "Pel! " Ii Mathematics NE\\" VhNDSOR, MARYLAND Browning Literary Society. I-Iave a smile for everyone you meet, A nd they will have a smile for Y01l, ~ITH this motto before her, "Pcll" joined the ranks of Western Mary- Ill~l\'D)llland College, in her Sophomore year. Her pleasing smile and sunny disposition immediately won for her a host of friends. She has never given us, however, the impression that she is "one from care set free," for there is deeply planted within her a sense of responsibility and Could it ever be said of "Pelf," "she never bothered about books?" Nay, never, for she diligently persued every course for which she enrolled. For her major she selected mathematics. At once we say, "Bravo," since few there are, especially girls, who linger long in the Math Department, While on the Hill, "Pell" has been classed as a town student, and as a result our associations with her have been principally in the classroom. We have therefore learned to know her as a true friend, wherein are imbedded those deeper and finer qualities: sincerity, earnestness, and perseverance.
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