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FLORENCE GENEVIEVE MASSEY "Tommy" W. "IV. Engf.ish BALTllII0RE, MARYLAND Western Alary/and Preparatory School Browning Literary Society, President, '26, Vice-President, '24, '25, Critic, '23, '24, Debater, '25, Contestant, '24, '25, Oratori- cal Prelims, '23; Poets' Club, Vice-Presi- dent, '25, '2G; Powder Puffs, '23; College Players, '25, '26; Class Basket-ball, '23: Y. W. C. A., '23. '24; Art Editor ALOII1\. ULL of pep, overflowing with life and energy, and abounding in wit and [un , she has laughed herself into the hearts of all who know her. During her seven years on the Hill, first at the Prep School and then at the College, "Tommy," the versatile, has won for herself a lasting fame through her achievements in all activities. Whatever she does, she does with her whole heart; if she makes up her mind to do something, it isn't long before that something is clone. They say that appearances are deceiving. If you don't believe it, jusr watch "Tommy" sometime. She might have the most angelic look on her face and the most innocent look in her eyes, but all the while she is planning some new escapade, some mischievous trick to play all somebody, or some ludicrous position in which she might place someone. "Tommy's" right there when it comes to mischief! Bubbling over with fun. vim, mischief, ability, imagination, laughter, and new ideas-that's "Tommy!"
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