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o JOHN DALLAS JOHNSON o "J. D." o En.glish BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Frankl-in High School Freshman Football; Class Athletics; Cap- tain and Manager of Track, '25, '2G; Irving Literary Society; Vice-President, Y. M. C. A., '26. . D." came to us from Franklin High where school spirit is measured by part.icipa tion in school activities. Having stepped from those portals with the Best All-Around Athlete Medal in his possession, he entered Western Maryland College with the same enthusiasm to make this Alma Mater just a little better far having been there. After making the varsity football squad, D." came to a full appreciation that knowledge is power, so he sacrificed love for athletics and hit the library trail. He was soon regarded as one of the few persevering students of the Class of '26. As Vice-President of the Y. M. C. A., "J. D." displayed the talent of an executive; so, whether we find our mate in Paris, California, or elsewhere we feel sure that he will win his place in the professional realm of his time.
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