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FLORENCE AMELITA MESSICK "Jac" History TYASKIN, MARVLAND Western. Maryland Preparatory School Philomarhean Literary Society, Critic, '24, '25, '26; J. G. c. Poets Club; Mont-hly '24; Associate Editor, '25, '2G; Editor of ALOHA; Y. W. C. A., '23, '25. "From you, Itnuhe, little troubles pass Like little ripples in (L sunny r-iver." "IliAC" is one of our Eastern Shore pal, with a clever "punch" behind her every word. She furnishes the brains for the crowd, and manages to keep everyone laughing incessantly by some characteristic remark. She is evidence proving that "the pen is mightier than the sword," for although physically small, she is mentally immense. Serene, calm amidst t.urmoil, she passes through life oblivious of and indifferent to things that mean little to her-taking life as it comes, and accepting it philoso- phically. If trouble arises, her imagination lessen it; if happiness comes, her common sense helps anchor her to the of this earth. These two assests combine in forming her ambition which describes vaguely as being "to write something," In the literary line she has had quite some practice by writing for the college in general whenever anything, from a limerick to a philsosophica! treatise, was in demand. Her favorite pastimes are two: reading and criticizing anything: "shoes, ships, sealing wax." With all her activities, "j ac" finds time to be a mighty good Fr-iend to a group of people who would not know what to do without her, For her the future holds golden opportunities and possibilities-here's to you, "lac," and to" the masterpiece."
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