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WILLIAM NEWTON SCOTT VEASEY "Bill" r B X History and Pohtical Science POCOMOKE CITY, M_",RYL",W Pocomoke High School Class Football, '22-'23; Class Baseball, '23, '24, '25: Webster Literary Society; Lion Tamers' Club; Gamma Beta Chi Fra- ternity, President, '25, '26, Vice-President, '25, Secretary, '24, Sergeant-at-Arms, '26, Y, M. C A.; Manager Baseball '26; Gold Bug Staff, Associate Editor '24, Editor '25, Managing Editor '25, '20; Lieutenant Reserve Officers Training Corps. In the hearts of men-a man; Iti the hearts of soomen-r-conquering, not conquered, ILLIAM NEWTON SCOTT" BILL" VEASEY has been associated with the ideals of \Vestern Maryland College since his his ancestors having been associated with the College since its both as students and ill official capacities. This fact has prepared B "Bill" for the greatest honor that can come to an undergraduate, that of guiding the Senior Class through the rough and dangerous channels of class ructions and discouragements. vVith" Bill" at the helm, the Class of '26 has emerged from one of mediocrity to a class that has per- formed some great feats on the Hill. He has been honored by his class and school. He has worked, he has played, has toiled, has sowed and reaped, has entwined his fibre and soul into everything that stands for right at Western Maryland College. lf every Western Marylander was imbued with the attitude, the humor, the talent, the happy-go-lucky disposition or "Bill", there would be a joy and peace [or those who wish the College "a bigger and better institution." May "Bill" prosper. May his never-say-die spirit and happy disposition carry him to n page forty-three merited success. "Bill '5" parting will make the College poorer; the World richer. [g]r;;:;;11=====;:::;;::;]111 i 1r=1===';::=:::;-]11 [gJ
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