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4-Seniors trimmed Sophs. Juniors defeated by lrosh. 5-Co-eds outplayed Frostburg Normal, 34-22. Rev. Fludc gave an illustrated lecture on Siberia. 6-Girls' sextene won a thriller from Bryn Mawr Club. 7-Dr. Forelines delivered seventeen minute sermon. 8-Freshman girls defeated Westminster High. IO-Freshman entertained at Y. \V. II-Juniors licked Sophs. Debaters victorious over Susquehanna University. 12-Boys had box (roof) seats at J. G. C. inititation. 13-Many (Strikes) saw "Lost World" at Armory. 14-Dr. Forelines again preached in Baker Chapel. I5-Freshman champions of second round of inter-class basket-ball. I6----Senior girls lost to freshies, IS-Senior R. O. T. C. officers drew new sabres. 19-W. \"11,1.Tea. Browning and Irving entertained with a unique St. Patrick's Day program. 20-Fashiol1 Revue; entertainment in McDaniel Hall. 22-Frosh defeated Juniors, 7-6. Caps and gowns distributed. Men's literary societies elected officers. 24-"Y" cabinets elected. Dual debate with Gettysburg. Delta' Sigma Kappa dinner. 26-Rain. Spring vacation started. April 6-Classes began for the third term. Spring drill. Senior Class invested. Coach Harlowe introduced. Dr. Ward outlined new plans for the College. 9-ALoHA Popularity Contest held. II-Seniors made debut in caps and gowns. 13-Debaters defeated University of Richmond. 14-Rogcr J. Whiteford spoke in Chapel on the selection of a profession. 15--- The "Ys " presented "The Maid and the Middy" at the Opera House. 16-lnspection of the R. O. T. C. Unit. 21-Admiral Potter spoke on "TIle Training of a Government Official." Military sponsors presented. 23-" Rat" Rules lifted. Freshmen presented a very creditable program in Smith Hall.
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