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o January 4-Campus again became one of commotion. Everyone wore a smile. 5-Routine began once more. Students were reminded of approaching 6-Roland Wilson, cheer leader, declared he was a married man. o 7-\Vestern Maryland cagers took game from the Susquehanna University ts o quintet. 9-Co-eds met defeat at the hands of Bryn Mawr Club. Western Maryland Varsity lost to Bucknell. 12-Jesters began practice. l3-Dean Warren, feeling his incapability of holding the students' attention for an hour, dismissed the assembly "in the usual w~y." l4-Y. M. C. A. organized inter-class basket-ball league. 15-Students invited to pay $3.50 to attend Alumni Banquet. 16-Girls' Sexcette victorious over Gettysburg. 17-0r. Lewis spoke in Baker Chapel. 21-Lamps were filled in readiness for exams. 22-Resolved: That if I pass this exam l am going to study hard next semester. . 23-" Cut out that noise, t wanna study." 24--0itto. 25-The Dean asked us to sing, "I Need Thee Every Hour. 26-3G-Nothing worth mentioning; just exam week. Second Semester February l-All previously made resolutions forgotten. 2-Western Maryland invited to participate in Hopkins Fifth Regiment Armory Meet. 3-Hon. J. Swepson Earle spoke in assembly on "The Resources of the Chesapeake." In the evening he gave an illustrated lecture in Alumni Hall. 4--Basket-bal1: Seniors trounced Sophs 12-8; J uniors beat freshmen 1 [-8. 5-Victory Banquet held. First dance in Mission Parlor; .. When the eat's away. the mice will play." 6-Varsity smacked Washington on both cheeks and gOt away with it. Score: 26-19. Girl cagers won from Towson Normal School 31-25.
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