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OLIVE ELIZABETH HOOPER Cherwistry "Hoop" Cambridge High School Philomathean Literary Society; Philorna- thean Prelim. Contest, '23; Class Basket- ball Team, '23, '24; J. G. C.; G. S. G. A.; Y. W. C. A.; Dorchester County Club. I "Steady work turns genius to a loom." OOPER, a product of the sunny Hooper's Island, is true to the native characteristics of the Eastern Shore; in disposition bright as the sunshine that bathes the isle, quiet as the gentle breezes as she moves among us, deep in thought as the water that bounds the shores, and above all possessing a winsome smile that frankly expresses friendship to all. Although not an athlete, she has taken part in all of the class basket- ball games, and has never allowed her studies to interfere too seriously with her college education. At chemistry she is a whiz. She can juggle the test tubes and formulate concoctions that would make Pasteur turn green with envy. Here among her college friends she has become well known, and has won the high esteem of all. She is a friend who knows all about your faults and loves you just the same. A friend fo all and sharing mutual under- standing. Eig hty-thre,
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